Publication Terms
1- The journal is concerned with academic research related to the aesthetic subject, which includes the fields of plastic arts, music, theatrical and cinematic arts, design arts, calligraphy and decoration, as well as theoretical and applied research in the field of art education.
2- Research papers submitted are subject to the scientific evaluation by field specialists.
3- The research paper has to be novel and not previously published or accepted for publication in another journal.
4- The research paper should not exceed (16) pages size A4.
5- Font size (13) font type (Times New Roman), Lines of the paper should be single spaced and file type Word2010 or newer.
6- References must be in APA format And in English only.
7- Figures, pictures, charts and tables are placed as they appear in the research, provided they with a high degree of clarity and their scientific source is indicated.
8- The research should contain an abstract, keywords and conclusions .
9- Write the title of the research, the name of the researcher, the researcher’s affiliation, and the e-mail on the first page of the research, note that the names of researchers submitted at the beginning of the registration process are approved only, any changes to the names of researchers are not approved during or after the arbitration period.
10- Research papers arrangement is subject to technical considerations.
11- The authors retain the copyright of their papers without restriction
Important note:
The average time period from the date of submitting the research to the journal to the date of informing the researcher for acceptance for publication or rejection is not specified, and according to the procedures of the journal, and the accepted research will take its place for publication according to the approved regulations.