The use of metal in ancient Syria in the manufacture of jewelry (ornamental tools in the third and second millennium BC and the molds used in their manufacture)


  • Haider Hamidi Musa College of Arts, University of Baghdad
  • Ruwaida Faisal Mosa Al Nawab College of Arts, University of Baghdad



metal, ancient Syria, jewelry industry, ornamental tools, moulds


 This research sheds light on the use of metal in the manufacture of jewelry, which is represented by ornamental tools in the period between the third and second millennium BC, in addition to the most important molds used in their manufacture. Man has been interested in metals since early ages, and was able to make tools that he uses in his daily life, especially jewelry. And the Syrian people got acquainted with the types of minerals, their characteristics, and how to deal with them. Minerals played an effective and prominent role in the economy of ancient Syria. Trade with those countries and secure their roads.


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How to Cite

The use of metal in ancient Syria in the manufacture of jewelry (ornamental tools in the third and second millennium BC and the molds used in their manufacture). (2023). Al-Academy , 110, 51-68.

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